Paul Krupka Trusted Advisor | Transportation

Providing Project Stakeholders With Informed Expertise

subway under skyway

Transportation Planning and Engineering Advisor

Consult Paul Krupka, your advisor at Krupka Consulting in San Mateo, California. He will guide you in planning and designing multimodal transportation facilities for sites, communities, and corridors complementing land use.

He has the engineering expertise needed when undertaking public or private transportation projects. His services also encompass key aspects of program and project management.

Focus on Your Bottom Line

Let Paul know your objectives. To help you achieve these, he will manage and execute projects efficiently and cost-effectively.

While transportation and mobility figure prominently in his agenda, Paul is just as effective when giving advice on equally important matters concerning development components. Count on him to use skills applicable to a broad array of project types and functions.

white train
highway next to a leafless tree

Consultancy Coverage

Paul established Krupka Consulting in 2010. Channeling a diverse range of industrial experiences spanning more than 40 years, he offers consultancy services covering all phases of project delivery, including:

  • Preliminary Assessment
  • Conceptual Planning
  • Feasibility Study
  • Design and Construction

Confer With an Engineering Consultant

Receive valuable information and guidance vital to making your project successful. Paul focuses on improving mobility through effective transportation and land use. He is a registered civil and traffic engineer in California eager to serve you.